About the Project...

Greenhouse for a Greener World is a youth operated, youth oriented greenhouse project out of the heart of Thunder Bay, Ontario. We are part of YouthScapes, a multi city United Way project aimed at providing youth with the opportunity to get active in their communities. WE ARE PUNKS WHO GROW, PUNKS WHO LEARN, PUNKS WHO SHARE, and PUNKS WHO GET INVOLVED!

Just watch what we can do!

Questions? Comments? Wanna get involved? E-mail us at youthgreenhouse[at]gmail[dot]com


The First Seed

Q: Greenhouse Affect? Isn't that the thing that's heating up our planet and causing global warming?

A: Not this time er'body. That's the greenhouse Effect. We're the Affect. And we are here for something different. We want to help YOU, by teachin' ya some of the good green earthy stuff.

All punks aboard?


My name is Heidi. I'm the project lead for this budding little greehouse adventure, here to plant the very first seed: a blog!

I think the best thing to do is to start by explaining exactly what our project is. Our aim is to create a youth run, youth oriented greenhouse in the heart of Thunder Bay. We welcome every and any youth to come on out and get involved by learning more about greenhouses, growing food, agriculture, our local community, and how dang good it feels to grow the food you eat. YEA BABY!

Uhh...but wait. Where is this greenhouse of awesome punk power anyways?

Ok well... We haven't built it yet. It's winter guys! But, we have ordered it- yay!- from our local friendly Thunder Bay Co-Op (Ben, the manager there is the most helpful sales clerk ever.) Weighing in at 16'x28', with polycarbonate siding and a sleek roof ventilation system, our mean green growing machine will be everything we need and more to house our budding plants!

Yea sure, we gotta wait for the snow to melt. But when it does...get ready Thunder Bay. We are coming. DUHN DUHN DUHN!

Keep checking back here for continual updates everybody, we'll be sure to keep you posted as everything progresses...

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